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The INTERSHOPZONE is a performative space machine, fed with the material from the versions #1 - #3.
The room is divided into four areas: the foyer. The actual performance space structured by cubes, shelves, tables, sofas and an observation platform. A bar at the edge of the performance space. An Off, undiscovered for the present by the visitors.
Before entering the performance space the visitors exchange their admission fee for INTERSHOPZONE-coins in the foyer. The coins can be used to buy performative actions in the performance space. Masks can be taken if the visitors want to hide or change their identity. These new identities, as well as their personal potential (negotiation-skills, physcial outputs, etc.), can be used to acquire new coins. In the foyer the visitors may leave several information (i.e. notes to their consumptional behaviour, mobile number for later spams) that can feed the space machine. They are as well informed about the play´s rules.
All activities of the INTERSHOPZONE follow a time-code. Clocks count back twenty minutes. Eight performers serve as administrators and messengers. Although faking the contrary, the space machine is working autonomously and is not controlled by the visitors. Their only power is to select and alter its products: Several processes/games/information that are presented at different places in the space machine can be bought for INTERSHOPZONE-coins - fragmented material that is connected to the four motifs respectively the avatars of #1. The products vary between services (therapy meeting, performance, experiences in audio and/or video), pure information (audio-, video-, speech-, text-distributions) or an increase of INTERSHOPZONE-coins. The avatars are played by four performers in the off.
Products of the INTERSHOPZONE are i.e.: Speaker`s Corner - A place the visitors can leave suppositions and theories about the performance and thus again feed the system. Kiosk - Unused materials and souvenirs (polaroid-photos of the visitors) are sold here. Shooting-Gallery - you can let somebody shoot water rifles on one of the avatars via video-broadcast here. Home Sweet Home - A shelf with photos, videos, drawings and sounds of private flats. Information ministry - A performer in a sofa corner, by question letting another performer search for answers in an non-ficiton book-shelf. Fary-tale-shelf - Only fiction is gathered here, i.e. books from the flea market, a performer reads if you want. Avatar-Contest - two avatars fight live via video-broadcast as wrestler/boxer instead of two visitors, bets can be made. Wellness-Area - A wall in one of the enterable cubes where you can stick through body parts for massage. Musicbox - A shelf where you can select the background music of the whole space machine out of a pool of sounds. Four wins - A performer against whom you can play table-games for winning INTERSHOPZONE-coins. Human Sampler - A MIDI-Keyboard linked to an avatar that expresses the notes as text or movement. Turing-Test - An avatar asks questions that shall prove you have (artifical) intelligence.
The space machine passes through four different levels booting every twenty minutes. This means a change in the room`s structural setup by rearranging the movable furniture (shelves, tables, etc). The structures follows the four motifs: i.e. prison, library, shopping mall, center of a mediteranian valley. Permission to stay in a new level is given only for payment.
Now the visitor has to compete with a radical new spatial situation and -experience. In the contrary the performance-elements change only slightly. The creation of new contexts of meaning within the consistent material stands in the foreground.
Whoever is broke is thrown out of the INTERSHOPZONE. But not only in some of the bets and games there is the possibility to acquire more INTERSHOPZONE-coins: you can leave the performance space behind and visit the bar. This is a time-bank. A determined time of stay means a determined gain of INTERSHOPZONE-coins.
Thrown-out-visitors enter the off. Here is the source of the performance-elements linked to the avatars, presented as a theatrical situation. Four performer play the avatars in rarely furnished, filmset-like rooms (i.e. an avatar is forced by a visitor - who has spoken into a microphone - to walk at the spot, his speed is controlled in the INTERSHOPZONE and also an output of the performer´s changing heartbeat and the sounds of his breath can be received there.) Around the sets the visitors may take place and enjoy the performance from behind the curtain.
